Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Picture of a horribly pixelated Grab shot of my mom and Furby. I'm coming home next month! I can't wait although... I'm having mixed feelings about heading back to Singapore. Me heading home signifies the end of an unbelievable year to my friends who are heading back to their respective countries, to which I'll probably never get to see them all at the same place anymore. Unless one of us gets hitched - which is a couple of light years away. I've grown so close to these friends, they're almost like my family. The absence of our loved ones makes us look to each other in times of help, advice and love. Saying goodbye to these amazing friends I've made this year is almost the same as saying goodbye to your loved ones.

Coming home also means that I've got to get a head start on preparing for 2012. Have yet to settle on a place to live with Rach. I can't wait to live with this girl, just because I know we'll have so much fun. I'm not saying my current room mate is a bore though, she's fantastic. I'm just dreading the process of looking for a perfect place to live. Perfect not in terms of insignificatory factors such as "a view that overlooks the city", nonono. I'm more interested in the distance to my university, the cost of rent per week, whether the rent includes heat, water, electricity and internet, if there are separate rooms. Searching for a place to rent is such a pain in the ass, like a pimple on the butt.

That said, coming home also means coming back to familiar faces of my family, my fat doggies, friends and boyfriend. One thing both Rach and I agreed on Singapore's culture (which we both miss) is the constant jabbing and teasing in Singlish/slangs that could never be as funny if it were translated into English and used here. Singaporeans have this hilarious and embarrassing way of making fun of each other that only fellow Singaporeans can understand. I guess that's why I'm never funny around my Caucasian friends (although I try really hard). I'm thinking when I head back home, I'm going to be teased mercilessly by my friends about the way I talk (which I faced at full brunt when I went back in the mid-year), where I'm ruthlessly named, "Barbarella" the SPG in The Noose. Speaking of accents, I wrote an article for my media writing class about how the way I spoke was weird whether in Singapore or here in Melbourne. To me, it's this loss of my identity that most people pick up on and judge me for it. Sad, isn't it?

To be honest, when I get home, it reminds me why I love my life so much back here in Melbourne. Remembering the time I went back to Singapore, I found the comfort familiar and it was so easy to settle back in. But after a while, I just got bored of it, annoyed even. Like, naggings from my folks (which I got very little of and I got away with it most of the time, which I'd never be able to if I had not be been away for such a long time), the dead and predictable space where time keeps ticking away.

That said, I will make the most out of it when I head back to Singapore this time. I'll be spending a good 4 months back home, which to me, calls for a fucking celebration, because that's a good 4 months! 1 third of a year! Spent in Singapore! Countdown to Singapore: 5 more weeks. I sort of can't and can wait for it to come.

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