Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Fuck what the rest of the world thinks. You're beautiful and young. You're at your prime. Flirt with them boys, but never be too serious about it. Don't be hurt when he doesn't call you or text back.

Treat every moment like it's your last. You'll end up with the greatest stories for your kids and grandkids because you have made every mistake possible and have learnt that when life tries to fuck you, you fuck them right back - you take no shit from anyone but yourself and your parents.

Never be rude to your own folks. They've been through possibly much/lesser shit to know what they're talking about - they know their shit. Even if they haven't gone through as much as you have, they're still your folks. You're their investment. You are theirs, and they're yours.

Be quiet. Don't talk too much. Listen.

Work what's best for you. Think you study better when you cram at the last minute? Do that. Fuck the norms.

Stop tweeting every single aspect of your life. If your life was that exciting, you shouldn't even think of 'ooh, I should send this on Twitter'.

Be nice. So if someone was trying to ruin your life, and if you've been the best behaviour you've been, there's no reason to not be nice anymore. Fuck that person up for taking advantage of a nice person like you and don't feel bad, they deserved it. You should never fuck with a nice person.

Stop being a music snob. You look stupid.

Your metabolism rate is at its best. Eat whatever the fuck you want.
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